When I heard that there is a Zoological park nearby, I was super excited. So we have decided to go there. I thought definitely gonna get some content for my YouTube channel. Now a days it is very hard to get content for science stuff. Even Sunny Leon hosts geek show, nobody would watch. So I don't want to miss this opportunity not because I'm super excited about science, it's been a while I posted a video in my channel. I desperately need some content. So I packed my gears and stuffs in my car.
We reached Zoo by 5.00PM (Park's closing time is 6.00PM). So I have to plan for all my shots in 1 hour. Unfortunately it didn't turn up well. I didn't even took a photo. I had to take care of my son and daughter while my wife was sightseeing, because she never been to any zoo except our home. I'm telling you that, it is one of the worst zoo ever, more that actual animals there were plenty of concrete animals in every corner. It's like you pay for Katy Perry's concert and she turn on the CD and lip sync. Not worth for even the entry fee, that is 20 bucks.
Some abandon peacock without feathers gazing up to the people in desperation of getting some food. I think zoo staffs fed those poor birds on last blue moon. The worst part is, I have seen most beautiful white peacocks (all are male birds), but caged with regular coloured female peacock. It's like you being millionaire paid for first class and end up in a corner seat with a big ass Indian in economy class. What a tragic place to be from Aussie. This is payback for Australia for defeating us in 2007 Men's cricket world cup. Some lean parrots in almost 6 different cages, each one had different colors. Apparently, due to rain water their colors washed away I guess.
Few crocodiles, a python, a small lonely fox, many empty cages (I think I have seen more empty cages than actual animals in it), 4 to 5 different type of birds and few other items. Among all, one particular cage caught my eye. It was one of the two cages which made me so depressed. In first, there was a solo parrot in a big cage which was talking. Yes, you read it right. It was talking. May not be fluent but at least it was able to say “Hi”, “Bye”, “See You” few words like that. That made me to think, it is locked up alone just because it was talking (I’m not referring to Modi government). Otherwise it could have got some pals to talk. I could sense the depression in its voice. Few monkeys. There were great deal of monkeys outside the cage. Since it is the footstep of Yercaud mountain, there were many monkeys roaming around the zoo. But their cousins were in the cage. I think they did some terrible crime in their community end up in this lock up.
Second one was worse than the first one. In a single cage called exotic birds, there were 2 seagull, 2 crane, 3 American white Pelican and 2 weird ass birds. Through their look I’m sure they all are foreigners. Come on, all are free birds. Take Pelican for example, Each time it can eat kilograms of fresh fish. But unfortunately they all locked up in a 30x30 completely covered cage nothing but few unrelated birds for company against their will. Only they can eat the limited meal whenever zoo keeper decides to feed. What did they do? What made them to stay in this prison without parole? I am sure their life will get over in this place, they are never gonna see their family or home again. Forget about home, not even sea again. Do we have warrant for it or is it like war criminal without outside worlds knowledge they are enslaved? Kind of Payback for America for what they have done for Middle East. It made me to think a lot.
I have seen other animals like deer and few wildlife animals but after seeing those birds nothing tasted well for me. I was keep thinking about it. Isn’t it our selfish motive that we are keeping them against their will? Just to show your kid how Pelican looks like, you are actually holding a free bird behind bars and torture them not thinking about their feelings. I am not a vegan or PETA supporter. But many times we think only about ourselves not thinking about the feelings of others. This is one of a eye opener for me that I should respect everyone. Big or small, powerful or powerless, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, male or female, animal or human. We need to learn how to respect everyone in the world. Understand others feeling and act upon it. All the living things have right to share and live in this world.
Though it may be a boring and philosophical content, it made a major impact in my mind. Think about it and share your comments.