Myself Joesamuel S. I'm working in a private company in India. I have special interest in Computer, Instrumentation, Electronics, DIY projects, Bible, Astronomy, Physics, Games and Spirituality. I usually share my personal view in this blog on the things I see around. If you find this blog interesting, please follow and share your comments. Remaining details can be seen in my social media in the home page.
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What motivated me to write?
Not a professional writer. Inspired by the statement "The Truth Shall Set You Free". Everyday we come across hundreds of things/events in our life. Definitely, we will have our personal view and opinion on things interested or bothered you. Sometimes it is good to voice out your feelings in public. This is the place where I dump all my thoughts. Posts may not be perfectly shaped or vocally perfect. But the feeling is real. I am writing the things which matters to me. Always critics are welcome.
Why there is no views for these posts?
It is not my job to force people to read. I write it, because I like it. If somebody interested, they will read too.
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